Contest Booklet
Eighth grade
Students from McAuliffe and Battin Middle Schools
recently combined computer game fun and serious
mathematics in a face-off of the "Green
Globs Challenge." After learning about coordinate
graphs and equations
in math class, they put their knowledge to work by
playing the "Green
Globs" computer game using classroom computers and
laptops. Here's how
the game was played: If student's correctly entered an
equation, they
hit a green glob target. After becoming more
proficient at the game,
the eighth graders advanced to the advanced level -
challenged by
"blockers" that forced them to find alternative
equations to hit the
targets. McAuliffe's eighth graders won the
competition. The winners
were: Ricardo Lopez, Andres Rengifo, Madelyn
Centurion, Kerland
Stavien, Junior Chala, Paula Cacares, Jamie Garcia and
Acosta. Eighth grade math teachers Mr. Harner of
McAuliffe and Mr.
Schwarzberg of Battin, both participants in the MATRIX
grant that seeks to raise the level of technology used
in the math
classroom, worked with Ihor Charischak from the
Stevens Institute to
plan the "Green Globs Challenge."
For more about
Green Globs see http://mathforum.org/te/exchange/story/ihor/greenglobs.html