The Weird Number - Clip 1

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Text of video clip 1 (1:46):

Narrator: My story concerns a strange event that took place in a little town nestled in the mountains. A little town inhabited only by natural numbers. But whenever the townspeople gathered together rumors were exchanged. Rumors that other numbers lived in the dark woods beyond the mountains. But nobody could imagine a number that wasn't a natural number so no one believed the rumors. At that time no one worried about robberies. If for example, someone stole 5 things he would always take 5 of whatever he stole. There was no special reason. It was just how he did things. And seven would steal 7 things. And 10 would steal 10 things. No more and no fewer. And because of this the thief could be easily identified. So there weren't any robberies and no one bothered to lock things up. One day there was a robbery. 9, who was the baker, rushed over to the sheriff's office. And 763, who was the sheriff, leaned back in his chair and asked what was stolen.

9: Just a little piece of bread.

763: One piece of bread? 1's the Mayor. He would never steal!

9: No, no, not one piece of bread. A little piece of bread.

763: Not one piece of bread, but a piece. What kind of nonsense is that?
[Clip ends]