Numbertown ---- Decimals

became a town there were no numbers like us living there, only fractions. The ruling family decided that fractions were a vulgar form and they decreed that from this day forth all unit fractions with 10, 100, 1000 etc. as a denominator would take on the form .1, .01, .001, etc. This form is called a decimal. After a period of time all fractions became decimals and the fractional form was prohibited. That’s why I suspect that somewhere there were numbers that still proudly wore a fractional form. So I decided to go on a journey to find these inhabitants that call themselves fractions. And sure enough I found you! And even better I now know that you’re family - which means we should live on the same number line as you.”

4/6 was stunned by this revelation.

“I can’t imagine ever being called point 66666 etc. etc. etc.,” said 4/6.

“It will take time, but you’ll get used to it,
replied Point 4. Soon you will be proud to wear both forms.”

As Point 4 predicted, after some time decimal numbers joined fractions on their number lines.
Word spread quickly that all fractions could change into their decimal equivalent costume.

But how do I do that? asked 3/4 who was quietly standing by.

You have to think of yourself as a fraction with 10 or 100 in your denominator, replied 4/6.

I can't do 10 easily, said 3/4, but I can change my bottom number to 100 if I use 25 as my cloning number, because 4 x 25 = 100.
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