Numbertown ---- A Conversation while playing Darts

Mayor 3/5 and 4/6 have started a game. It's 4/6's turn.

4/6: "So I need to throw a dart (arrow) that will land on the balloon located between 5/8 and 3/4. Hmm …  let me try 5/7."

4/6: "It's closer to the balloon, but not close enough."
3/5: “Let’s see, what's bigger than 5/8 but less than 5/7. I'll try 5/9."

4/6: "Whoops."
3/5: “That made it too small, much smaller than 5/8.”
4/6: “We now need something smaller than 5/7 and bigger than 5/8.”
3/5: “Smaller than 5/7? Then it must be smaller than 10/14 which is 5/7 cloned by 2. So 10/15 should be smaller, right?”
4/6: “Let’s try it.” (The balloon pops.) “Bingo!”

3/5: “This is cool!”
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